ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs)
BA Charts are the standard nautical charts of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) are the world’s most trusted and widely used official paper charts. The range includes comprehensive paper coverage of commercial shipping routes, ports and harbours to help bridge crews safely navigate in accordance with SOLAS regulations.
BAC is the paper product of the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO). It is one of the most widely used nautical charts in shipping. Its worldwide series consist of over 3,300 paper charts offering worldwide coverage. BA charts consist mainly of Standard Navigational Charts (SNC) from serial number BAC 0001 to 4999 and including 5500, 5501, 5502. These come in different scales and are used mainly for navigation and passage planning.
Standard Navigational Charts are regularly updated and corrected by the weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners to ensure they are updated with the latest navigational information and thus enhancing safe navigation.
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