Australian Charts

Australian chart is the paper product of the Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service (AHS) located in Wollongong, Australia. It consists of over 400 paper charts covering mainly Australian waters and its surrounding. Australian charts are updated by the Australian Notices to Mariners, which are issued fortnightly.

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  • Coverage includes Australian, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Australian Antarctic Territory waters published as ‘Aus’ charts
  • Selected AHO published paper charts are reproduced by the UK Hydrographic Office in their world-wide Admiralty chart series. AHO published charts within the Admiralty chart series are easily identified by their ‘Aus’ and ‘SLB’ chart numbers.
  • The AHO has been publishing paper nautical charts since 1942. They are relied upon and trusted by international commercial vessels and recreational vessels.

AUS Charts allow:

  • Vessels navigating in Australia to meet SOLAS Chapter V regulations (and
    AMSA regulations1) covering the carriage of charts and publications. For further details visit the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
    website (
  • Commercial vessels 12 metres or more in length and engaged in Australian domestic operations, to meet the National Standards for Commercial Vessels (NSCV). For further details visit the AMSA website (
  • Recreational vessels to sail both inshore and offshore.

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