ADmiralty DIgital total tide
ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT) provides bridge crews with fast, accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal streams worldwide.
ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT) provides bridge crews with fast, accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal streams worldwide.
Key features of ATT include:
Accurate tidal predictions, reducing the risk of human error and providing bridge crews with an easy means of viewing both under-keel and safe overhead clearances
Approved for use by the Flag States of over 80% of ships trading internationally, with certification to aid inspections
Read more about ATT on the other tabs below.
Here to help
Once you’ve chosen ATT we can offer you guidance to help you get the most from the service. Support items include installation guides and YouTube tutorials, with further support available from chart agents and our in-house customer service team.
Find out more on the Support tab below.
Comprehensive coverage of tidal information
ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT) provides bridge crews with fast, accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal streams worldwide. This global coverage, which is split across 10 areas, enables users to take advantage of the tides whilst reducing risk to crew, cargo and ships.
Instant tidal predictions and clearance calculations
Enabling quicker and more informed decisions, ATT allows users to instantly calculate tidal heights for multiple ports during a period of seven consecutive days. Crews can also use the software to calculate and view safe clearances based on a ship’s draft, masthead and under-keel clearance allowance.
This information, which is quality assured by maritime experts at the UKHO, is presented in user-friendly graphical forms to help bridge crews understand predictions at times of peak-workload and pressure.
Easy to use and clearly displayed using a growing number of back-of-bridge software, including ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station, ATT can be viewed as a single layer on top of official navigational charts. By using this functionality, crews can view real-time tidal predictions and relevant navigational information in one place, making it easier to plan voyages and view intended routes in detail.
Find out more about e-Navigator Planning Station >
ATT is widely accepted as meeting SOLAS carriage requirements and is approved for use by the Flag States of over 80% of ships trading internationally; meaning ongoing safety and compliance for your ships, cargo and crew.
Find out below on the Compliance tab, which Flag States have approved the use of ATTs.
ATT is integrated with the UKHO database of over one million tidal constants, which is also updated weekly in line with ADMIRALTY Tide Tables.
Approved by the Flag States of over 80% of ships trading internationally, ATT provides the same level of compliance as traditional ADMIRALTY paper-based publications, for ships trading under these Flag States. Where we are aware that a Flag State Authority (FSA) has issued documentation on the acceptance of UKHO’s digital nautical publications or provided guidance on their use, we have listed it in the table below.
Important notes:
FSAs who accept UKHO’s digital nautical publications, but have not issued any specific requirements, may not be listed
If it is not clear whether a FSA accepts UKHO’s digital nautical publications as satisfying carriage requirements then shipping companies should contact their FSA or the appropriate RO
For more information and guidance on the safe and effective use of UKHO’s digital nautical publications, please click here
For more information and guidance on IMO requirements on carriage of publications on board ships please read MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2
Flag State | ADP | AENP | Documentation where applicable | Comments / Conditions |
Antigua & Barbuda | | | SLS.14/Circ.239 | |
Australia | | | MO21 | |
Azerbaijan | | | Approval Letter | |
Bahamas | | | BMA-51, 20 Sept 2011 | |
Barbados | | | SLS.14/Circ200 | |
Belgium | | | Approval Letter | |
Belize | | | | Subject to RO approval |
Bermuda | | | ADP Approval Letter e-NP Approval Letter |
Brazil | | | Approval Letters English | BR Portuguese |
Canada | | | Approval Letter | |
Cape Verde | | | | |
Cayman Islands | | | Supp No 3 | |
China | | | | No documentary guidance but Flag State thought to be positive to enquiries |
Cook Islands | | | Circ 14 | |
Costa Rica | | | Approval Letters English | Spanish |
Croatia | | | | |
Curaçao | | | | Subject to an independent backup system operating on a separate power supply |
Cyprus | | | Circ No 17/11 | |
Denmark (inc Greenland) | | | SLS.14/Circ296 | |
Dominica | | | | |
Estonia | | | Approval Letter | |
Faroe Islands | | | 01/2011 | |
Finland | | | MMK 11/2007 | |
France | | | Approval Letters English | French |
Relevant section is 221-V/27, on page 389 |
Georgia | | | Approval Letter | |
Germany | | | SLS.14/Circ1901 | |
Ghana | | | Approval Letter | |
Gibraltar | | | SGN 052 | |
Greece | | | SLS.14/Circ.302 | |
Honduras | | | | |
Hong Kong | | Hong Kong Circular 7 | | |
Iceland | | | Approval Letter | |
Iraq | | | | |
Ireland | | | MN No 45/09 | |
Isle of Man | | | ADP Approval Letter e-NP Approval Letter |
Israel | | | Approval Letter | |
Italy | |
Approval Letters English | Italian | |
Japan | | | Approval Letter | |
Kiribati | | | MC 13/2010 | |
Latvia | | | Approval Letter | |
Liberia | | | Approval Letter Marine Notice ADM-007 Rev. 5/08 |
Lithuania | | | Approval Letter | |
Luxembourg | | | CAM 06/2012 | |
Madeira | | | | |
Malaysia | | | MSN 64-2011 | |
Maldives | | | | |
Malta | | | SLS.14/Circ.299 | |
Marshall Islands | | | Marine Notice No. 1-000-3 Rev. 03/16 | When an electronic backup is carried, portions of the publication needed for the planned voyage shall be printed and included with the voyage plan unless the electronic backup is an independent computer system with its own emergency source of power (please refer to the relevant documentation) |
Mauritius | | | Approval Letter | |
Mexico | | | Approval Letters English | Spanish |
Moldova | | | Approval Letter | |
Mongolia | | | | |
Netherlands | | | | |
New Zealand | | | | |
Nicaragua | | | | |
Nigeria | | | | |
Norway | | | SLS.14/Circ.213 | |
Panama | | | MMC-218 | Relevant sections of ADP fully corrected and updated pertaining to the vessels planned voyage should be printed off and be available for reference (please refer to the relevant documentation) |
Papua New Guinea | | | | |
Philippines | | | Approval Letter | |
Poland | | | Approval Letter | |
Portugal | | | | |
Qatar | | | | |
Russia | | | Approval Letters English | Russian |
Subject to inclusion of the use of ADP in the vessel’s safety management system and approval by an appropriate classification society (see attached letter) |
Seychelles | | | Approval Letter | |
Sierra Leone | | | Approval Letter | |
Singapore | | | SLS.14/Circ.320 | |
Slovenia | | | Approval Letters English | Slovenian |
South Africa | | | | |
Spain | | | | |
Sri Lanka | | | Approval Letter | |
St Kitts and Nevis | | | Approval Letter | |
St Vincent and the Grenadines | | | SOL 008 | |
Sweden | | | SLS.14/Circ.265 | |
Switzerland | | | | |
Thailand | | | Approval Letter | |
Trinidad and Tobago | | | Approval Letter | |
Turkey | | | Approval Letters English | Turkish |
Please refer to page three of linked documents |
Tuvalu | | | MC01/2011/01 | |
UK | | | ADP Approval Letter e-NP Approval Letter |
United Arab Emirates | | | | |
USA | | | Approval Letter | |
Vanuatu | | | | |
Venezuela | | |
Recommended minimum requirements
ATT will run on any PC that meets the Microsoft recommended minimum specification for the following operating systems:
Windows 7 (SP1) 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit), DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Windows 8.1 (SP1) 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit), DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Windows 10 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit), DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Operating systems should have the most recent Service Pack installed. In addition, systems will require: a DVD drive, keyboard, mouse, super VGA (800 x 600) video adapter or better with suitable monitor and at least 1GB of available disk space.
Important notes:
Systems should be capable of receiving emails up to 1.25Mb in size.
ATT and other ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) can be installed on any standalone computer, which meets the hardware recommendations for the operating system installed
ATT is designed to be registered to individual PCs and is not suitable for use across a network
We will not be in a position to support ADP on Operating Systems where Microsoft support has been withdrawn i.e. Microsoft XP
ADMIRALTY Digital Publications Software Developer Kit (SDK) and Developer’s Pack
Our SDK allows you to integrate ADP into your ECDIS or application. You can find out more about the kit and how to access our technical resources on our ADMIRALTY Digital Publications SDK page.
ADP Online Updating Service
We supply all ATT customers with regular electronic updates via Internet download, email or disc. If you are unable to take advantage of the automatic updating option for ATT, you can get your updates using our online updating service. On this site you can download and apply updates by area to:
ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights
ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals 1, 3, 4, 5
ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals 2
ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals 6
Below you will find information to support you in your use of the ATT, including detailed user guides and support films.
If you cannot find the answer to your questions, then who you contact will depend on the nature of your query. Please see who to contact below for more details.
The ADMIRALTY Digital Publications User Guide
Includes information on getting started, installation, updates, maintenance, uninstalling and other support topics.
ADMIRALTY Digital Publications Support Films
Guides to activation, downloading updates, generating a support file and uninstalling ATT are all available on our YouTube Channel, ADMIRALTY TV.
Download ADP Software
ADP software can be downloaded on our public FTP website using the following login credentials (the username and password details are case sensitive).
URL: FTP://ukho.gov.uk
Username: ukhopublic
Password: Public12345
In accordance with the notice of termination below, end-user licence agreements for versions of ADMIRALTY TotalTide up to and including the 2004 edition are now terminated. Support for these products in now withdrawn.
Important notice to users of ADMIRALTY TotalTide 2004 and earlier
Variation to end-user licence agreement with versions of ADMIRALTY TotalTide up until the 2004 edition, in accordance with clause 6 thereof.
After the fourth paragraph of that clause is inserted:
“The UKHO may terminate this contract upon provision of one calendar year’s notice, posted on an appropriate page on the UKHO website”.
Users of ADMIRALTY TotalTide may take the above as being such notice. End user licences for versions of TotalTide will terminate on 7 November 2017.
ATT is licensed on an annual basis at the following recommended retail prices, with each purchase including a second user licence for backup purposes. Please note that these prices do not include VAT and other local taxes.
Each ATT area: £65.30
ATT world coverage: £457.10
Purchasing options and folio coverage
For precise coverage and voyage flexibility, ATT coverage is available in 10 regional folios and one world folio.
For visibility of each individual folio’s coverage, please click here >
There are multiple discounts for ATT customers who:
Purchase multiple licences.
Purchase additional areas during a particular licence period.
These discounts, which are outlined below, are applicable to any combination of products from the ADMIRALTY Digital Publications portfolio and are applied incrementally as the number of ADP licences a shipping company has reaches each discount threshold.If you require any further information, please contact our customer services hotline.
Fleet discount based on the total number of licences held by a single shipping company:
Number of licenses | Discount |
0-19th Licence | 0% |
20-49th licence | 10% |
50-99th licence | 15% |
100-199th licence | 25% |
200-299th licence | 30% |
300-499th licence | 35% |
500 or more licences | 40% |
Discount for additional areas purchased during the licence period:
Elapsed time | Discount |
0-3 months | 0% |
4-6 months | 25% |
7-9 months | 50% |
10-12 months | 75% |
Choosing, ordering and managing your ATT Licence
Alternatively, ATT areas can be purchased through ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station 3.4 or the latest version of Planning Station, which can be accessed via ADMIRALTY gateway.
Find out more about e-Navigator Planning Station >
The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue (ADC) can also provide you with a comprehensive and up to date reference of current ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions, with functionality that allows you to search for products by type, scale or a defined route.