GUIDELINES FOR THE PURCHASING AND TESTING OF SPM HAWSERS (First Edition – 2000) The OCIMF mission is to be the foremost authority on the safe and environmentally responsible operation of oil tankers and terminals, promoting continuous improvement in standards of design and operation. Oil Companies International Marine Forum WSIL 196-1.indd 11/28/2009 5:46:10 PM Issued by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum First Published 2000 ISBN 13: 978 1 85609 201 2 ISBN 10: 1 85609 201 1 © Oil Companies International Marine Forum, Bermuda British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies having an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil and oil products. OCIMF is organised to represent its membership before, and consult with, the International Maritime Organization and other governmental bodies on matters relating to the shipment and terminalling of crude oil and oil products, including marine pollution and safety. Notice of Terms of Use While the advice given in this document (“document”) has been developed using the best information currently available, it is intended purely as guidance to be used at the user’s own risk. No responsibility is accepted by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), the membership of OCIMF, or by any person, ?rm, corporation or organisation [who or which has been in any way concerned with the furnishing of information or data, the compilation or any translation, publishing, supply or sale of the document] for the accuracy of any information or advice given in the document or any omission from the document or for any consequence whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with or adoption of guidance contained in the document even if caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Bell & Bain Ltd. Glasgow Published in 2009 by Witherby Seamanship International Ltd 4 Dunlop Square, Livingston Edinburgh, EH54 8SB Scotland, UK Tel No: +44(0)1506 463 227 Fax No: +44(0)1506 468 999 Email: Front cover photograph by kind permission of Marlow Ropes WSIL 196-1.indd 21/28/2009 5:46:10 PM iii Table of Contents Page Section PART A GENERAL PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1 A-1 General Practices 1 A-2 Compliance with OCIMF Guidelines for the Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers 2 A-3 OCIMF Compliance Certificate 2 A-4 Other Practices 4 Form A OCIMF Guidelines for the Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers Compliance Certificate 5 PART B PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFYING HAWSERS 7 B-1 General Procedures 7 B-2 Rope Size 7 B-3 Rope Performance 8 B-4 Rope Construction 8 B-5 Rope Fibre Material 8 B-6 Hawser Assembly 8 B-7 Eyes and Thimbles 9 B-8 Chafe Protection 9 B-9 Auxiliary Gear 9 B-10 Hawser Length 9 B-11 Marking of Hawsers 10 B-12 Packing of Hawsers 10 Figure B-1 Terminology and Dimensions of Eyes and Thimbles 10 Form B Purchase Specification Form 11 PART C PROCEDURES FOR OFFERING HAWSER 15 C-1 General Procedures 15 C-2 Rope Size 15 C-3 Rope Performance 15 C-4 Rope Construction 15 C-5 Rope Fibre Material 16 C-6 Hawser Assembly 16 C-7 Marking and Packing 16 Form C Offer of Hawser Form 17 WSIL 196-1.indd 31/28/2009 5:46:11 PM iv PART D PRODUCTION OF HAWSERS 21 D-1 General Procedures 21 D-2 Product Design Documentation 21 D-3 Quality Assurance Practices and Reporting 22 D-4 Rope Fibre Material Quality 24 D-5 Material Control 24 D-6 Material Testing 25 D-7 Rope Production 25 D-8 Splice Quality 26 D-9 Hawser Assembly, Eyes, Thimbles, Chafe Protection and Auxiliary Gear 28 D-10 Identification and Labelling of Rope 29 D-11 Packing 30 Figure D-1 Dimensions and Marks of Double-Braid Rope Splice 31 Figure D-2 Dimensions and Marks on Eight-Strand and Laid Rope Splices 31 Form D-1 Yarn Specification Form 32 Form D-2 Rope Quality Control Checklist 33 PART E INSPECTION OF FINISHED HAWSER 37 E-1 General Procedures 37 E-2 Establishment of Inspection Criteria 37 E-3 Manufacturing Quality 38 E-4 Application of Reference Load 38 E-5 Inspection of Sample of Rope Section 38 E-6 Verification of Rope Strength 40 E-7 Fibre Material Identification Testing 42 E-8 Inspection at Reference Load 42 E-9 Inspection of Splices 43 E-10 Rope Quality 44 E-11 Eyes, Thimbles, Chafe Protection and Auxiliary Gear 44 E-12 Markings 45 E-13 Packing 45 Form E Inspection Checklist and Report 46 PART F PROTOTYPE ROPE TESTING 53 F-1 General Procedures 53 F-2 Intent of Prototype Tests 53 F-3 Monitoring by Independent Inspector 53 F-4 Numbers of Tests 54 F-5 Prototype Rope Description 55 WSIL 196-1.indd 41/28/2009 5:46:11 PM v F-6 Test Machine 56 F-7 New Dry Breaking Strength Test 56 F-8 New Wet Breaking Strength Test 57 F-9 Breaking Strength Calculations 57 F-10 Cyclic Load Test 60 F-11 Elongation Measurements and Extension Calculations 61 F-12 Reporting of Results 63 Form F Prototype Test Checklist and Report Form 64 APPENDIX I DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 71 APPENDIX II BASIC YARN TESTING 77 APPENDIX III EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS 83 APPENDIX IV NOTES ON CHANGES MADE IN THESE REVISED OCIMF GUIDELINES FOR THE PURCHASING AND TESTING OF SPM HAWSERS 91 WSIL 196-1.indd 51/28/2009 5:46:11 PM 30 D-10.3 Assembly Label A label shall be placed on each hawser assembly. This shall be a water-resistant, tear-resistant cloth or plastic label securely sewn or fitted around the rope at a convenient prominent position as close as practical to one of the eyes. For eyes provided with cloth abrasion protection, the label information may be applied directly to this cloth at a point near the crotch but away from the thimble position. Alternatively, the label information may be applied directly to the first flotation device at each end of the rope. The label information specified in the next paragraph and in the Purchase Order shall be clearly lettered in permanent water and oil resistant ink in characters at least 3 cm high on the cloth or plastic label or flotation device. The following information shall be lettered on the cloth: Name of Purchaser, owner, or end user and Order number or serial number assigned by the Purchaser. For matched pair hawsers, the same serial number shall be applied to each hawser and the method of identification should be specified by the Purchaser. For individual serial pairs, the pairs shall be uniquely identified, and each hawser of each pair shall have a unique mark. The Purchaser may specify that additional information be applied to the cloth. D-11 Packing If not specified, the Manufacturer shall propose the type of packing for approval by the Purchaser. D-11.1 Packing Box If the hawser assembly is packed in a box, it shall be of wood, metal or plastic of substantial construction suitable for the applicable transportation means. The box shall be of sufficient size to completely and securely enclose at least one hawser assembly. Each hawser assembly shall be preslung and coiled inside the box to permit easy withdrawal through the top of the box. The insides of the box shall be coated or lined to avoid rust, sharp edges, and rough surfaces which might damage, cut, or abrade the rope. D-11.2 Packing Reels If the hawser assembly is packed on a spool or reel, it shall be of wood, metal or plastic of substantial construction suitable for the applicable transportation means. The reel sides shall be of sufficient diameter to extend beyond the spooled rope. The inside of the spool or reel shall be coated or lined to avoid rust, sharp edges, and rough surfaces which might damage, cut, or abrade the rope. The rope shall be secured to the hub of the reel at one end and shall be secured to the side of the reel but not extend beyond the rims of the reel at the other end. The rope shall then be covered with sturdy paper, plastic sheeting, or cloth, or shall be protected by slats extending across the rope and secured to the rims of the reel. WSIL 196-1.indd 301/28/2009 5:46:13 PM 31 3 Rope circumferences Match marks on core and coverCore extraction point Length of eyeTotal length of splice Crotch to cross-over point Length core tuck Length of cover tuck Distance between marks Back of eye Crotch Extraction point End of core tuck Cross-over point Match mark on core Match mark on cover End of cover tuck Cut-away views to show rope interior Finished rope splice Rope before splicing Figure D-1 Dimensions and Marks of Double-Braid Rope Splice Length of end to be tucked Distance between crotch and of tucks Length of eye Length of eye Crotch mark points Crotch mark pointsNumber of tucks Rope before splicing Finished rope splice Figure D-2 Dimensions and Marks on Eight-Strand and Laid Rope Splices WSIL 196-1.indd 311/28/2009 5:46:13 PM 32 FORM D-1 YARN SPECIFICATION FORM Page 1 of 1 Material Chemical Composition Rope Producer’s Material Description Fibre Producer Plant Address Fibre Producer’s Material Description/Designation Type Finish Merge Number Grade Size of Basic Yarn Twist Melting Point Finish Content STRENGTH AND ELONGATION Dry Wet Min. Max. S.D.* Min. Max. S.D.* Yarn Breaking Load, YBL Load at 5% elongation, LASE5 Load at 10% elongation, LASE10 Elongation to Break, YETB * Standard Deviation SHRINKAGE AND CREEP Min. Max. Boil-off shrinkage Heat Shrinkage Creep WET YARN-ON-YARN ABRASION (see CI 1503 for definitions and calculation methods) Prototype Yarn Abrasion Tests Applied Tension Mean Cycles to Failure (CTF) (calculated on log-cycles basis) CTF Standard Deviation (anti-log of value calculated on log-cycles basis) Production Yarn Abrasion Tests Applied Tension Mean Cycles to Failure (CTF) (calculated on log-cycles basis) CTF Standard Deviation (anti-log of value calculated on log-cycles basis) WSIL 196-1.indd 321/28/2009 5:46:13 PM
Guidelines for the Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers 1st Edition 2000
Title: Guidelines for the Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers
Number of Pages: 96
Product Code: 4400W026
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-201-2 (9781856092012), ISBN 10: 1-85609-201-1 (1856092011)
Published Date: September 2000
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 300 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Book Spine: 6 mm
Weight: 0.30 kg
Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum
1 in stock
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