ICS Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 3rd Ed. (2019)
More than five years have passed since the entry into force of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), which is now strictly enforced on a global basis and subject to Port State Control inspection. This ICS publication is the comprehensive and definitive guide to MLC compliance for anyone involved with the employment of seafarers, including shipping companies, ship managers and crewing agents. It is strongly recommended that a copy is carried on board every merchant ship.
The revised third edition replaces the previous (2012) edition and:
• Addresses the wide range of MLC provisions including seafarers’ contractual arrangements, manning agencies, working hours, health and safety, crew accommodation, catering standards, and seafarers’ welfare;
• Contains detailed advice on the MLC requirement for ships to maintain a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC), including linkages to the ISM Code;
• Takes account of the inspection processes and procedures used by PSC authorities since entry into force in 2013; and
• Covers the very latest MLC amendments and ILO guidance adopted since 2013 with respect inter alia to financial security and repatriation to prevent abandonment, changes to employment agreements to address piracy, training of ships’ cooks, implementation of occupational health and safety provisions, and measures to prevent harassment and bullying.
The third edition is also accompanied by an electronic version with a ‘search’ function plus additional useful material including the full and up to date MLC text.
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